I was going through google trying to figure out what it means to be a bridesmaids in images. I remember watching a real wedding on reality tv last year where two bridesmaids didnt get along and it was stressful to the bride. She had her planning challenges to deal with for her big day and the fact that two people in her line up just didn't like each other. One was her childhood friend and the other was the one who introduced her to the groom. In the end she chose her mother for her best maid and the two just learned to get along before her big day.
It might be the bride's day but having girls she can get along with is really important for her own peace of mind. I am in a local facebook group where one of the bridesmaids felt the bride was indecisive on designs, color and cut of their dresses. She felt she had enough of this and decided in social media to declare she'll wear her choice for the day and not the bride's. The response she got from the comments section was clear enough that many believe its the brides decision that should rule the day.
That made me realise that its important to be good friends with the bride to be on her line up. You always want the best for a friend and probably you can encourage her ideas and corporate with them. The planning process is fun for the bride when she has the support of her bridesmaids. Imagine wanting to do spar treatment with her maids and even relaxing by the pool, might be all she needs to do with her girls to continue enjoying the planning process.
More brides want something different for their big day. Whether she decides she wants her maids to have personalized robes that identify her from the maids or even t-shirts, caps, bridesmaids to wear tailored ankara dresses, the traditional bridesmaids dresses or even suits to her line up. These looks mean alot to a bride. When communicated well in advance, she can have happy girls at her line up. In the past when you were selected to be a bridesmaids, all you needed to do was get your measurement for dress taken pay up for the dress, shoes and make up and then wait for the big day and be done with the event. The modern bridesmaids, alot falls in your plate. Next time we'll continue from there.
ps: the pics were all from google. I dont own any of them.