Monday, March 17, 2014

The all-inclusive wedding reception package......

Its already midmonth and the rains are here. What that usually means is traffic in nairobi-very crazy when it rains. Not to be forgotten is the fact that this translates into blackouts. we have more blackouts in rainy season than any other. Despite the fact that we have many wedding  planners who handle from low budget to high end budgets, a majority see this as unnecessary expense and always opt to working with wedding committee to plan for the wedding, raise cash and delegate wedding day responsibility to. Like I said at the beginning of the article, weather changes can affect traffic delays, making vendors unfortunately arrive later to a venue than originally intended. Due to this reason and the need to generate more revenues from a single event, more venues in Nairobi have come up with an all inclusive wedding reception package.

 The trend for many in Nairobi has always been and is still to do garden wedding reception irrespective of the weather. Many venues that own such grounds have over the years adjusted to being an all inclusive package providers for wedding receptions. This means they provide you with the food, flowers and decor, tents, chairs and the public address system. All you have to do is you and your guests show up. Your committee and yourself don't have to worry about chasing individual vendors to make sure what you need is provided and is there on time.

A complete wedding reception package can be stress free for most couples. With anything, there is always two sides to a coin. My next blog will be looking at the other side of the coin.

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