Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What having a wedding budget means

Any successful wedding involves planning and having a budget to work with. Even when money is not an objection, clearly there are costs that the wedding couple are comfortable stretching to meet. Whether your budget in Kenya shillings is below 200,000/- or above 1.5 million, that usually means there is an amount you're willing to work with. Even those who call a wedding committee to raise cash for their wedding, most usually have drawn out what they need for their wedding, that is the cost for each item, deposits they have paid or is to be paid to the vendors and what they hopefully require to be raised by the committee.


When a wedding planner or vendor asks what your budget is, I've met a lot of assumptions locally that responding to it means you'll not get a good bargain or that prices might be inflated to meet the stated amount. That could not be any further from the truth. Instead, you save yourself a lot of time spend visiting too many vendors to compare prices when its clear to you what you want to spend.


When you are aware that your wedding budget on venue doesn't allow you to do an indoor venue in a hotel, you can still negotiate with your preferred hotel to see if they're willing to adjust to your budget. If it doesn't fall through, have in mind a plan B venue that might be a garden reception that can comfortably fit into your budget


A good wedding budget is flexible enough to the point that a surplus from one vendor can mean a reduction in what is to be spend on another vendor as one of the available scenarios. The other flexibility that can be offered by a good budget is an emergency fund that can be used should you need to exceed the planned budget. With whats considered, work out a budget and spend it right for your wedding because no two wedding budgets are the same.

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